What Goes Around Comes Around: Furniture Edition

Have you heard the statement “What goes round comes round”? Well it is true in the home furnishings industry as well.

In the 60’s animal prints were very popular and now they are in high demand again. Several magazines featured them and it has caught on. If you can afford the eye catching animal print rug, then go for it but you can also have an animal print chair, throw pillows, or even a smaller entry rug and get the look that is going wild in 2019.

WALLPAPER??? Yes, it is back. Have you been watching HGTV lately? It seems they all are featuring accent walls with wallpaper in almost every episode. It may not be some of the flowers of the 70’s, but the geometric shapes they are using will inspire us all.

Metal is back and it is nice to see the brushed brass, gold, and blackened metals make a comeback. The uses of metal seem to appear everywhere from accent pieces to designer furniture and this is one comeback I am excited about.

Antiques are back so please take a look at your parents and grandparents downsizing items. Antiques bring a sense of warmth we all need in this fast paced environment and will give you that cozy home feeling we all love. Since painted furniture is also back, you can always give it a coat of paint to match your design style.

We would love to help you shop this summer for things that will bring your home up-to-date with many items that are making a well anticipated return.