Comfy Couch Considerations

Comfy CouchThe holiday season could be renamed “comfy couch season” as there are countless opportunities to gather with friends and family that require comfortable and excess seating. Between college football bowl games, the post-Thanksgiving dinner slump and watching family members open presents Christmas day, a comfy couch will be necessary to make sure your family and friends feel at home. Here are some considerations and mistakes to avoid to guarantee you make the right decision:

  1. Material: The dog will shed. Drinks will be spilled. Children will eat buttery popcorn and greasy pizza. Therefore, do not select a material that cannot withstand the daily habits of your family. Select a durable material like leather, outdoor fabric or become best friends with a Clorox pen. Football is synonymous with eating and drinking while gathered around the TV, make sure your couch can support it.
  2. Comfort: What is the point in purchasing a couch that is not comfortable? No matter the occasion, Super Bowl party or family movie night, you will want to have a nice place to relax. Invest in a sofa that is comfortable enough to sleep on. You never know who may end up having to sleep there.
  3. Color: Though this sort of goes with the material warning, color deserves its own category, especially when selecting an upholstered couch. Trendy, bold colors may look great, but make sure you will not get sick of them. A good couch can last many years, but you may not want it to if the orange becomes too bright and hard to manipulate with the season or latest trends.
  4. Size: Unless your living room is small, do not solely purchase a loveseat. This two-seater does not provide much room for additional people to squeeze in, thus limiting your hosting potential. Large, 3 seater couches and even larger sectionals have ample space for family and friends. Consider the number of individuals most likely to frequent your house. If you have a family of 5, make sure there is at least enough seating for 5, though it is better to plan for 7-9 so there is room for guests. Consider what works best for your situation and go from there.