Are you searching for a new bed? There are many different styles, materials and colors to consider, but this month, we are discussing the different styles of beds.
![metal bed](
1. Iron/metal beds: These are normally black, silver, or can be painted. They also have different designs with curls, straight lines, or more intricate details. This is a nice option for a variety of style rooms as the design changes the style. It can be industrial, feminine or farmhouse.
![fabric bed](
2. Fabric: Fabric headboards are almost like padded boards with a slipcover. They come in a wide variety of colors and can also have different shapes, though not as intricate as the iron/metal beds. This option is not as durable as the fabric is subject to normal wear and tare, but it can be quite beautiful and inviting.
![sleigh bed](
3. Sleigh beds: These beds look just like their name: a sleigh. There is a curvature to the back, which makes them appear larger and more grand. Because of this curvature though, it is not the best option for smaller spaces as the back of the bed will take up more room.
![canopy bed](
4. Canopy: These beds can be very romantic and also come in a variety of styles and wood or metal finishes. It is a great statement place, but can highlight low ceilings making the space feel more tight.