Wood Furniture

furniture_wood_typesFurniture is made out of different woods with unique characters, coloration and durability. Here is a list and description of the most common types of wood used for furniture:


  1. Cedar is a soft wood normally used for closets and chests as its scent repels insects. There is a soft red coloration with knots and streaks.
  2. Cherry is one of the most expensive hardwoods, which is why it is commonly used for cabinets and fine accent tables. The grain and coloration is very distinct for its red hue.
  3. Hickory: This is a furniture stable, known for its strength. It is commonly used for rockers and chairs.
  4. Mahogany is one of the most expensive woods due to its rich coloration and distinct grain. It is one of the furniture favorites.
  5. Oak has prominent streaks and comes in red and white varieties. It is valued for its strength, which is why it is common in furniture and has a moderate price