Monthly Archives: November 2017

Home for the Holidays

thanksgiving furnitureIt’s almost that time when homes are filled with food, family, and festivities. Though this may be the most joyous time of the year, it is also the most hectic and cramped. Make sure you’re ready for the holidays with these furniture pieces!

  1. An extendable dining room table: Add a leaf to your everyday dining room table to accommodate those additional guests.
  2. Bar chairs: If you still have overflow, add bar seats to your kitchen bar. This also makes a great kids table.
  3. L-shape couch: L shape couches allow for stretching during football games, but it also allows for more seating when you have additional guests.
  4. Ottoman: Ottomans are another item that provide function during most of the year, but can also serve as a seat during this busy time period.
  5. Trundle beds: Housing all of your family and friends is a lot, so some rooms may need to be double booked. The easiest way to do this is with a trundle bed. It’s perfect for a child’s room.